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Solar and Energy Storage Program Transition Form

If you are a customer on an existing solar and/or battery storage program, please fill out the form below to let us know when you would like to transition to the new Smart Renewable Energy (or Smart DER) and/or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program.

Please note that:
  • Net Energy Metering (NEM) / NEM+ plus customers are not affected by this transition.
  • Customers currently participating in Customer Grid-Supply (CGS), CGS+ and Smart Export will be required to transition starting Oct. 1, 2024, or within seven years (with a 6-month grace period) from original contract start date (whichever date is later).
  • Customers currently participating in Customer Self-Supply, the Standard Interconnection Agreement (SIA), and Battery Bonus are not required to transition but have the option to.
  • Customers who transition to the Smart Renewable Energy Export program will be required to have an advanced meter.

Please submit an application online through our Customer Installation Tool found on our website instead if any of the following applies:

  • You are currently not participating in a solar and/or battery storage program, but would like to participate in the new Smart Renewable Energy and/or BYOD program.
  • You are currently participating an a battery storage program and would like to transition to the new BYOD program.
  • You are currently participating in an export program (Customer Grid Supply, Customer Grid Supply Plus, or Smart Export) and would like to transition to the new non-export Smart DER program.
  • You are currently participating in a non-export program (Customer Self Supply or Standard Interconnection Agreement) and would like to transition to the new export Smart DER program.

If there are problems with how this form or your information is displayed, click here to view the full form.

Program Information
Customer Information
DISCLAIMER: By typing your full name, you are signing this electronically. You agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this form. Once you transition to the new Smart Renewable Energy program, you will not be able to switch back to your previous program. If you are the electric account holder and you are not the homeowner of the subject PV system with the authority to make decisions concerning the same, please be sure to discuss this with the PV system homeowner for their consideration. By taking any action with respect to the subject rooftop solar / PV system in response to this notice, you hereby represent and warrant to Hawaiian Electric that you have the authority to do so, and further acknowledge that Hawaiian Electric is relying on any such representation and warranty with respect to the action taken concerning the subject PV system.

* Required